It was our pleasure to have Charty Durrant as one of our guest in our Fashion Sustainability forum, who is an ethical fashion consultant in FABLE FOUNDATION, also a former Fashion Editor of The Sunday Times, The Observer, and British Vogue.
Not to mention that Charty has brought up lots of surprising new ideas for fashioning the future. One of an interesting one is about “sustainable buyer” during our interview. The job, “buyer” is vital in the fashion industry, it links with consumers in the market, with sustainability on the menu, the change of buyer seems to be essential.
Charty believes that nowadays buyer could be re-educated, based on sustainable buying, while the most critical role helps to change the fashion industry, becoming more sustainable, it would sure make an effort on affecting consumers purchase pattern.
The word, ‘sustainability’ has been talking and talking by many years. However, even nowadays, when this word pops in to our mind, the first thing general would relate to is the 3R, recycle, reduce and reuse. However, Charty believes there are more about being sustainable in the fashion industry, it is not something wrong to come up with the 3R, since they are the basic steps of being sustainable. But Charty suggested that the fashion industry could think backward to the manufacture and supply chain system, like using durable materials for production.
All in all, the change of the fashion needs the whole industry involve, not just consumers, not just retailers, but the whole system. As for us, as a consumer, it is time for us to do more than 3R to bring in sustainable fashion.