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  • Writer's pictureThecompany2018

Using Waste for raw material is an alternative to produce sustainability product in fashion industry

This idea came from Katie Jones. Katie Jones doing a foundation course at London College of Fashion, she went on to study at CSM where she first earned her BA and then her MA in fashion knitwear, under the watchful eye of the late Louise Wilson.

“Colourful, handcrafted, remade and revived,” are just four words that Katie Jones, luxury knitwear designer uses to describe her work. Best known for her “waste not, want not” design approach, the young Central Saint Martins graduate is a firm believer in slow and sustainable

Q : How important sustainability today works for fashion?

“If you like fashion, I think it’s really really important especially if you are a young designer. It’s quite complicated to push massive sustainable structure in a big business but It’s not really hard because you haven’t got anything that you need to change. It’s just how you operate and also when you are smaller, you don’t have to battle with someone , you just have to make it clear so anything doesn’t have to change. You just keep operate in that way just like me make my product is really bright, fun ,colourful, life . If they are made for life and children and how it can be luxury.”

Q: Do you rather feel sustainability is hard to attend because of the raw materials?

“To be honest if you are a student, you will have no idea about sustainability. When I was study I don’t really know anything about it . I was struggling with it and I corp something that I made on first year to remain in my final year so I have an idea about it and more you know you can’t really unknow.
For me I would say I don’t know what is the best for fabric because you know everyone also get some real kind of sustainable product. So think about what are you able to use. For me I start using waste ,and the thing is now we got such a massive industry so it’s not like waste from one person. Waste for one designer is about 20 tons of yard. You have to think about supply chain and more business because level of waste is so much. For me sustainability is gonna be waste for (raw material), supply chain. For me supply chain is clean. When I first began making my collections I used to inherit bits and bobs from friends and family and used these materials to make my designs. I quickly realized that it was a “brilliant way” to work, especially since so many other fashion houses had excess and surplus fabric she could use. Nowadays I gets material for my collection from various sources; some people donate wool or vintage sweaters to her which I then unwinds and uses for my designs, I purchases leftover materials as well as bulk fabric for my designs.”

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